Saturday, March 21, 2015

Mixing the old and the new


Second day in Syracuse! I'm already feeling the cold air hitting me harder.

So Liz and I decided it would be the perfect day to head over to the big mall nearby. I'm pretty sure it's the 6th biggest mall in America or something like that. This place was enormous! Once you thought you covered the whole floor, nope, something else popped up and you just kept walking. And then there were three other stories just waiting to be discovered.

Literally every store you can imagine was there. Including... 

A DISNEY STORE!! The only one within like 5 billion miles!!!

Excuse me while I wait outside my castle for my private jet to fly me out to Arendelle.

Take me back to Disney World!!

We had a lot of fun just exploring and getting lost in the jumble of amazingness. We ended up buying absolutely NOTHING (like who are we?) and walked out of that place with happy wallets.

We did however, get the chance to meet up with Christie and her boyfriend for dinner and dessert. 

This girl and I go way back. 20 years! I don't think many people can say that they've had a friend for that long. Especially at my age. I'm so lucky to have met Christie and all the friends I have in my life now, because without them I would not be the happy person I am today.

Speaking of happy, I met Amanda today at the mall!

Now if you wanna meet the sweetest person ever, go find this lady! She will make your heart smile, pinky promise!!

After meeting up with Amanda for a little while, I went back into the restaurant just in time for our food to come. Let's just say our bellies have never felt more pregnant, omg!

Then it was time to say see ya later to my buddy, sadly, but Liz and I had to hit the road.

I love when you have a friend you know will be there for you your entire life. Christie is one of those people.

Obviously here we were already besties for life. Thank goodness we aged well.

Go text your old friends, let them know you love em!

Stay loyal to your buds babes!


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