Monday, March 30, 2015

Last Birthday Cake Frappe


Another fully packed Sunday! Thank goodness I had a bit of time to spend with some younger sisters at Starbucks and enjoy this delicious hazel-nutty beverage.

The fact that it is only limited time makes it taste that much sweeter in my opinion.

I call this one, "true bae."

I'm the weirdest college student in the world and don't like coffee, so any kind of drink that is basically just vanilla and whipped cream, I'm all for.

The rest of the day pretty much was spent on HC stuff (I'm seeing my co-CC more than my roommates!) and checking more off the ever-long list I keep adding to.

But, thankfully I managed to visit my Little's apartment for a sort of get together, party type, thingy. I dunno. But I did get to see both her and my big for a little bit! Sometimes, we're all way too busy it's hard to even see each other for a really long time besides just at sorority meetings.

Also, my legs hurt from Zumba-ing too hard. Mavis and I hiked up the hill yet again for our weekly class, and this time we really felt it. Good thing I worked off that birthday cake frappe!

Stay sweet babes!


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