This week's hump day was definitely not a boring one!
I spent the entire time running around campus and checking things off my list. I had to wake up, get my good attitude back on, and seize the day.
Haha, well, maybe it wasn't THAT majestic. But hey, I made due.
So today was the first day of HC Gives Love! We ended up with a table outside, but actually it turned out being a really big hit. Day one consisted of making cards for the local nursing home. I found myself being the spokesperson for our table for passersby.
"Show the elderly you care this Valentine's Day!"
"Make a card for the nursing home! It's FREE!"
"Hey! Want to show someone at Valentine's Day you elderly love bahalsahaksuwejkfbhbvabv..."
iiiii may have ended up jumbling my words about two seconds in.
Nobody said shouting to strangers came naturally!
We had a couple times when a good crowd came around, and since the weather was actually sunny and not lip-bluing, I was so happy with how it turned out! People walking by were impressed that we were doing something selfless and not trying to make them buy stuff for once. Trust me, the day I ask a fellow college student to buy something will be the day I'm willingly skiing down a gigantic icy mountain on one foot, and that foot being on my gimpy ankle. Ain't gunna happen.
I had so much fun hanging out with the Her Campus squad though. It was nice having a mix of the new and the old.
After making lunch with all two ingredients I have at home, it was time for my last class of the day, and afterwards some studying needed to get done.
Then, it was time to get dressed for Deepher Dude!
My sorority puts on this male pageant every year to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. We do a good job of incorporating a fun event around a really important cause.
The theme was sooo Gatsbyyyy ;)
(headbands on headbands)
Not gunna lie we all looked hella fine! See for yourself!
The show consisted of lots of singing and one really really large inflatable green bodysuit? Sure, let's go with that.
But, my favorite part had to be Heather.
There wasn't a dry eye in the building after she spoke to us. Heather has CF, and has lived with it for 31 years. The doctors told her parents she would be lucky to make it to kindergarten. Her story was nothing less than inspiring. She takes about 40 pills a day and still kept on smiling. I'm getting choked up just thinking about it, but I couldn't say it in words how much that made me appreciate the life I'm living. Thanks, Heather.
Stay inspired babes!
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