Friday, February 6, 2015

Locked doors and I don't mix


Hump daayyyy!

Today was basic. I studied, I went food shopping, I cooked, I hit the gym.

Well, okay, when you put it like that, it seems pretty boring.

But really, something weird had to happen, otherwise it wouldn't have been a day in the life of me!

In all seriousness it was a very happy midweek refresher. No drama, no broken bones, and no scary movie previews during my favorite shows.

I probably had such a carefree day from starting it off by reading one of my favorite childhood books.

Matilda was literally my favorite movie and book as a kid. My Aunt used to call me Matilda... though I'm not quite sure why, since to my knowledge, I didn't have super powers and a killer IQ.

After reading for what seemed like the entire afternoon, I headed to my final class of the day, and right back home to cook the dinner I've been craving all week:


Yes. All the noms.

Living above a grocery store is so amazing. Though I know I won't realize the full beauty of it until next year when I'll probably have to drive ten minutes everywhere, right now I just know that it's pretty fantastic. Veggies are always fully stocked in our freezer, and it's never a struggle when you need to quickly grab something last minute.

Then, it was time to head back over to campus for some late night cramming and exercise. So of course, when I go to meet my friend to join up for studying, the first thing I do is exactly what I didn't intend to do... 

Get stuck. In a stairwell...

While no one can possibly hear my shouting and pounding on the metal doors.

I was locked in for a good 10-15 minutes before I called/texted/messaged/tweeted (yes it took all of that for her to get me) my friend. After profusely sweating from running up and down 10 flights of stairs to check EVERY single locked door, my roommate finally rescued me and I barreled out of that place so fast.

What if I didn't have my phone on me!?!? Like, I just went to fill my water bottle, and all I had taken was my phone and my water bottle. That was pretty lucky of me to do, especially since on a normal day I would have just left my phone sitting next to my friend and all my books on the other floor. I guess if I had to take two things on a desert island with me, those two would be the winners. 

Elliptical time! I can feel my body starting to feel less tired at the gym and more regulated as I keep up with it. I just have to remind myself to make time for it every day!

Before bed, we had to stay up and watch the finale of Snooki and JWOWW. Those two are amazing to watch. They're not only hilarious and super entertaining, but their friendship is unbreakable. I want to be like that somewhere down the road. Have a super cute family, and that person you can go to for anything.

Until next time babes,


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