Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Can this bike roll forward or...?


Are you kidding me Tuesday?!?!? Only 80 days??? Give a girl more warning than that!!

Today was really fun, I even made a breakthrough in tissue mountain-making! (Sorry, TMI, still sniffly!)

I woke up feeling a whole lot better than Monday, and way more energized, ready to do work. Which, was totally needed since I had gotten more sleep the night before than I've had in a super long time. 

I cracked down on my readings in one of the academic buildings today. Seriously, I was in the zone! I felt great and very in control of my assignments - a nice change from recently, where it felt like my work has been consuming me. 

Mavis came and joined me at our little station we created, and after giggling over literally anything for a while, we got back to work. 

And because she's such a good friend, she brought me a congratulatory Reese's egg for the big-Boston-news from the day before. Sorry Fred, but I had to eat one of these when you weren't around. (it's so hard to give up peanut butter forever!)

Clearly, I was too excited about it to let it last before taking the picture.

But just sitting and catching up is one of my favorites, and was necessary, since Mavis was headed out again very shortly for another big moment in her YouTube career.

A quick call to my mom also made the day super sweet, almost as much as the news I got to tell her was: Syracuse! They also want to interview me!

I'm on a roll baby.

A quick hug "see ya later" to my fab roomie before her big adventures sent me out the door hoping she'd have an exciting, not overwhelming time.

My music class was next on the agenda (and oh my gosh, was it an agenda type day) (I don't even know what that means, sorry) and that one got out early! Two classes out early today, and still so much to do. I run nicely on high energy, fast-paced days like today, but I was really feeling it this time.

All dressed and ready to go in my yoga pants and nikes... guess that means cycling is next! 

....by myself. Ugh!

Remember the other day when I thought I'd have my friend with me? LOL whoops. Turns out she left sooner than I thought, so I had to face this exercise class just me myself and I. And my inner blogilates and every workout queen I'd ever followed. 

I wasn't nervous, just kinda hazy from being leftover sick still. But with my water filled to the brim, I just thought, give it all ya got.

I did, I pushed through, and for some reason the work out was not hard at all...??

Maybe our teacher toned down the intensity, because I doubt I've improved on the third class already. But afterwards nothing hurt really (I'm sure that'll change tomorrow) and I didn't feel like my legs were screaming for help. I did however almost tip the bike over when climbing off, so thank goodness those things are somewhat stationary. I'm still not sure how they can handle my heavy pedaling without rolling into the window!

After a NSSLHA meeting with my lovely Iris on the board team, and an overly-dramatically long shower, I hopped on the couch to watch TLC with my roommate Liz, eating dinner and congratulating each other on our emails from Syracuse.

What's a night of a couple tv shows without Full House? (fun fact: I've seen every episode at least twice)

Okay, I am so ready for bed ya'll.

Ta ta for now babes,


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