Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Just Keep Spinning


WOW my legs hurt!!!

Tuesday is cycling and weird run-around-campus day! So naturally my legs were just like WHAAT!?

Haha but I am so glad I pushed myself today in cycling. We went HARD. And I do not mean just for a minute or two. The entire. 60 minute workout.

Man we're getting good.

I am really happy I signed up for this. Looking back I was so terrified to even start something like cycling. Something EVERYONE and their mom tells you is a pain in the butt (totally literally), way too hard if you're out of shape, and just wants to make you puke at the end of the day. I didn't listen though. I went ahead and did it with the help of my good friend. Everyone needs that person in their life to push them just a little bit further than their comfort zone. That person for me is Mavis, and I love her to death. 

See look how swaggy we are in our new occ sweatshirts.

After cycling I sprinted home to get ready for the Pitt basketball game. Me and my fabulous little met up and watched before heading over to our sorority's Founder's Day ceremony. Happy 98th Birthday Delta Phi Epsilon!!!

Oh, and St Patrick's Day too!

I had to...

She looks better with a beard don't you think?

Stay lucky babes!


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